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Design & Research
for thoughtful automation & trust no matter how complex the technology & context.

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No-code PolicyKit

Redesign of a no-code Slack integration for online community governance in collaboration with researchers from University of Washington's Social Futures Lab and the Metagovernance project.

Juni Automations

End-to-end design of a no-code automated workflow builder for Europe's fastest growing b2b fintech.

Lips onboarding

End-to-end design of a progressive web app for wom*n and LGBTQ+ creators to express themselves freely, without biased censorship.

Featured in Mashable Daily beast Bustle

Book browsing in a pandemic

Service design research into reading rituals and the librarian work supporting them during Covid-19. In collaboration with the Malmö City library.

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site developed by Julija Rukanskaitė, based on software by Rasmus Andersson, 2019